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This basement conversion below an existing house required some very innovative design and construction techniques to create the client's desires.

A large basement was to be constructed which was half below the house and half outside. The space below for a swimming pool would have no beams or columns to hold up the flank wall of the house. Firstly, the building and garden perimeter was underpinned up to 5m deep in reinforced concrete. MJ Rooney then constructed Pynford beams within the wall structure to open up a slot from front to back on the gable wall. A ribbed RC slab was then poured on the ground and then excavation continued beneath to form the basement space. In top-down construction technique the new extensions were being constructed above as the basement swimming pool and jacuzzi structure was being formed below.

Category: basements

Location: Blackheath

Architect: Open Architecture

Completion Date: 2025