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Easistore large steel framed warehouse

MJ Rooney was contracted to build a large steel framed warehouse building to extend the Easistore self-storage depot in Crawley.

These works were fully completed without disruption to the day-to-day self-storage business as we worked through the night on big deliveries and processes in shared spaces. Works began with the excavation of 5000 cubic meters of soil and the installation of a 50meter long retaining wall and concrete ground bearing slab with colossal foundations. Building this close to the M23 slip road brings complications with no cranes allowed to lift up the 85 tones of steel framing into place. These works along with 1500 m2 of insulated cladding and curtain walling without stopping the free flow of traffic. This project was completed in time and within budget to a very happy client.

Category: buildings